cares, everybody understands
everybody cares, everybody understands
yes, everybody cares about you
as a matter of fact I'm sure they do
but if you don't act just right
they kick you in the head
but it isn't a real offense, you see
they're doing it out of sympathy
and you're the one who's bringing it all about
so here i sit dreaming, looking at the lazy sun
raining its guiding light upon everyone
for a moment's rest i leaned against the banister
after running upstairs again and again
from a place you people had never been
with two of their city's finest fall away behind
who with a greater skill and resourcefulness
after putting me under a wrongful arrest
stuck me out to the desert to dry and die
so here i sit dreaming, looking at the lazy sun
raining its guiding light upon everyone
here i sit dreaming, looking at the lazy sun
pushing its guiding light upon everyone
the dream-killing doctor says to describe
my dream some things are for no one to
know and for you,
twelve-stepping cop, to not find out
thanks to steve
taken from 1.4.98 bootleg