- corner hotel - melbourne, australia
01.06.99 - corner
hotel - melbourne, australia
01.08.99 - annandale
hotel- sydney, australia
01.09.99 - annandale
hotel - sydney, australia
01.12.99 - fm802
- osaka, japan
01.12.99 - shinsaibashi
club quattro - osaka, japan
01.14.99 - shibuya
club quattro - tokyo, japan
01.15.99 - shibuya
club quattro - tokyo, japan
01.19.99 - astoria
theatre - london, great britain
02.22.99 - end
session - seattle, wa
02.23.99 - showbox
- seattle, wa
02.24.99 - breakroom
- seattle, wa
02.25.99 - la luna
- portland, or
02.26.99 - satyricon
- portland, or
02.27.99 - starfish
room - vancouver, bc
02.29.99 - unknown
03.01.99 - fillmore
- san francisco, ca
03.02.99 - amoeba
records - san francisco, ca
03.02.99 - fillmore
- san francisco, ca
03.03.99 - el rey
- los angeles, ca
03.04.99 - el rey
- los angeles, ca
03.05.99 - yucatan
- santa barbara, ca
03.06.99 - troubadour
- los angeles, ca
03.09.99 - trees
- dallas, tx
03.10.99 - liberty
lunch - austin, tx
03.12.99 - varsity theatre - baton rouge, la
03.13.99 - dream
palace - new orleans, la
03.15.99 - sapphire supper club - orlando, fl
03.16.99 - covered dish - gainesville, fl
03.17.99 - variety playhouse - atlanta, ga
03.18.99 - 40 watt
club - athens, ga
03.19.99 - exit/in
- nashville, tn
03.20.99 - tremont music hall - charlotte, nc
03.21.99 - ritz theatre - raleigh, nc
03.23.99 - 9:30 club - washington, dc
03.24.99 - trocadero
- philadelphia, pa
03.25.99 - irving
plaza - new york, ny
03.26.99 - irving
plaza - new york, ny
03.27.99 - westbeth
- new york, ny
03.29.99 - wbcn-
boston, ma
03.29.99 - the
roxy - boston, ma
03.30.99 - higher ground - burlington, vt
03.31.99 - cabaret music hall - montreal, quebec
04.01.99 - opera house - toronto, ontario
04.02.99 - the embassy
- london, canada
04.03.99 - st. andrews
hall - detroit, mi
04.05.99 - ludlow's
- columbus, oh
04.06.99 - headliners
- louisville, ky
04.07.99 - karma - st. louis, mi
04.08.99 - xrt studio
- chicago, il
04.08.99 - metro
- chicago, il
04.09.99 - first
avenue - minneapolis, mn
04.10.99 - the
bottlenec k- lawrence, ks
04.12.99 - bluebird theatre - denver, co
04.13.99 - dv8 - salt lake city, ut
04.17.99 - le pavillion
lion - bourges, france
04.19.99 - l'elysee
montmartre - paris, france
04.20.99 - vooruit
- gent, belgium
04.21.99 - sheperd's
bush empire - london, uk
04.22.99 - manchester
univ - machester, uk
05.13.99 - wxpn
05.17.99 - best
music fest - boston, ma
07.17.99 - yo yo
a go go - olympia, wa
10.14.99 - satyricon
- portland, or
12.10.99 - largo
- los angeles ca
12.30.99 - maxwell's
- hoboken, nj
12.31.99 - the
knitting factory - new york, ny
00.00.99 - unknown
- unknown
- unknown - unknown